We place great importance on our employees and culture, and have put in place initiatives to foster cultural change, including a revised Code of Conduct.

Athora Group continues to expand with the acquisition of new businesses. We recognise that local needs and cultures differ. While we expect those who join the Group to embrace our core values, we understand the importance of our Business Units maintaining their unique identities. Some of the initiatives launched to foster cultural change include:

The I Am Athora Network (IAAN): The IAAN was set up in 2021 as a Group-wide leadership network to bring together leaders from each of our Business Units in virtual and in-person workshops. The IAAN holds Quarterly Business Reviews and ad-hoc updates focused on key developments across the business. In 2022, our leadership conference, a key event on the IAAN calendar, was held at the same time and place as our annual INED (Independent Non-Executive Director) conference. This aimed to foster interaction between the groups, and was well received amongst attendees. 

The Living Athora Values Awards (LAVAs): The LAVAs are a Group-wide recognition programme sponsored by local leadership and encourages individuals to celebrate their colleagues for exemplifying Athora values. The fourth edition of our annual LAVAs took place in 2023 and we continue to see year-on-year increases in participation levels, with more and more colleagues nominating others for living and breathing our values.