Our customers are at the heart of what we do and customer satisfaction is important to us. We measure customer satisfaction metrics across our markets to identify areas for improvements.

We monitor customer satisfaction through various recognised methodologies, which feed into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across the Group.

We use various recognised methodologies to measure customer satisfaction, and over 2023 have started working to agree a standardised metric across Business Units.

Athora Belgium uses the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure customer and broker satisfaction and saw a strong increase in NPS over 2023. During the year, our Belgian business has also implemented a number of structural and procedural improvements aimed at strengthening this further. 

The NPS is also used in the Netherlands, along with the Delighted Customer Score (DCS) – a measure which helps the business to identify short-term improvements that can be made in key customer service processes.
Both measures remained resilient over the year.

As our German business is closed to new business, customer satisfaction is measured by the number of complaints. We review every complaint received (and every improvement measure suggested following investigation) in a regular discussion, which includes the Athora Germany Chief Operational Officer. As part of this process, customer complaints are reviewed regularly, and relevant findings are addressed.

As part of this process, where necessary, customer complaints are reviewed and analysed to determine if there are any root causes, and if so, how these could be addressed.

Athora Italia includes explicit Service Level Agreements (SLAs) regarding customer satisfaction in all distribution agreements. These are defined and agreed with each distributor, and this is in progress for our new bancassurance arrangements with BDM Banca and Cassa di Risparmio di Orvieto.

During 2023, amidst a change in distribution footprint, our Italian business nonetheless saw a level of complaints below the market average. Nevertheless, we seek to reduce this even further and during the year made a number of improvements, informed by customer feedback, including structural improvements to our claims settlement management processes. 

Over Athora as a whole, customer satisfaction levels remain robust, with active plans in place